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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Next Logical Step

I would love to say that the next logical step in this antique adventure would be to quit my job, hit the road and be a full time antique finder. Okay I realize this is not the next LOGICAL step, more like the next fanciful step. Anyway, I have been selling on ebay, however, I am really leaning towards renting a space at an Antique Mall. This would be logical, right? I would love to find a local mall, but I think I am going to find something in the Shenandoah Valley or around Charlottesville, Virginia. I think these areas get good traffic and many of the malls are well established and have been around a while. I am currently working on getting some inventory and as much fun as that is it can be a drain on the old pocketbook. We will see where this all goes.

This was just me needing to write down my plans and if anyone out there reads this and has some advice for me please don't hesitate to comment. I welcome any guidance from those whom have been where I am now and have struggled as they traversed the long road that I am just beginning to travel.

1 comment:

  1. I really am enjoying your blog.

    I'm from Ashland and have owned a mall there for a 12 years. I will say I think traveling as far as Charlottsville, VA might be to far of a distance. I have noticed for myself (I am also in 4 malls) and with my renters that you really have to work your booth. With this being your first booth to rent why not start closer to home to see if its worth the drive. Virginia is a great place to sell. I do 8 shows a year in that state and my biggest buying trip of the year is Newport News every spring. So I think your choice of state is great. But there is a great mall in Lexington, VA called Dukes. No I am not in that mall but I shop it 6 or 7 times a year and have for 10 years. They really seem to draw the traffic.

    Its just a thought.
